معالجة الصحف المصرية لأعمال السلطة القضائية في مصر بعد ثورة 25 يناير : دراسة تطبيقية علي صحف (الأهرام,الوفد,المصري اليوم) /

نوع المستند : المقالات البحثية



           This study aimed to monitor, analyze and evaluate the treatment of Egyptian newspapers (national, nonpartisan, private) for the work of the judiciary in Egypt after the revolution of January 25, and detection of the most important journalistic frameworks highlighted by the press provided the processors on the issue under consideration.
It was applied on Newspapers of Al-Ahram, Al-Wafd and Al-Masry al youm , during the period from 1/1/2012 until 12/31/2013.
The study reached several conclusions, including:
1- The private newspapers is the most Egyptian newspapers interested in addressing the work of the judiciary by (43.05%), followed by partisan newspapers in the second arrangement by (29 0.9%), while the National Newspapers Newspapers study less attention to addressing the business of the judiciary by (27%).
1-  accounted for ordinary criminal trials with interest the three newspapers in dealing with the work of the judiciary, which has been associated with most of the issuance of court judgments or decisions to postpone the newspapers followed up most of those trials and represent cases in which President Mubarak and the symbols of his regime accused.

الموضوعات الرئيسية